Following the Lord, we are selling almost everything we have, as we prepare to fly in the Spring! The sum total of this will help to cover our initial set up costs, some renovation to the small home we'll be moving into and some of our living expenses as we get established.
We will need to purchase an all terrain truck, for life in Mozambique which is an essential additional expense. The kids school is 25mins south by car, and life in Nacala centres around having a vehicle. As the base is in its pioneering stage, Iris unfortunately cannot provide any missionaries with a vehicle.
We are looking to purchase an older 4X4 ahead of landing in Mozambique. There are a couple of options available to us, and all start at around $20,000. This is for a basic vehicle, such as an older model of Toyota Hilux or Landcruiser. The reason a basic vehicle is this price, is due to the Mozambican government taxing any vehicles brought into the country 80-120%.
We deeply value prayers from friends and partners around the world. If you’d like to be a part of our whatsapp prayer updates, feel free to contact us and we’ll add you to the group!
If you would like to explore partnering financially with us for our missions work in Northern Mozambique, you can make a one off or monthly donation, using the two links below.
We have a donations page via Paypal.
We have a donations page via Stewardship.
If you are a UK tax payer, you could add Gift Aid to your giving through our Stewardship donation page. This adds an additional 25% to your donation from the UK Government. (You can give as a guest, or sign up fast for free for monthly donations)
If you are interested in partnering with us financially and would like to know more of the specifics, we have a financial document available to share, just drop us a message!
We are accredited full time missionaries with Iris Global. For references feel free to contact Iris Global UK